Profile PictureDavid Scott Lynn (DSL) — DSL Edgework: Bodywork / Yoga / Whole Health Therapy

eBook on C.E.M.&.N.T. — Chronic, Excess MusculoFascial & Nerve Tension & Stress

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eBook on C.E.M.&.N.T. — Chronic, Excess MusculoFascial & Nerve Tension & Stress


C.E.M.&.N.T. might well be the NEW Missing Diagnosis for many afflictions of the Neuro-Musculo-Fascia system.

Short for Chronic, Excess MusculoFascial & Nerve Tension & Stress, understanding how it works, and breaks down, can reveal much about how the body operates in health & sickness. This eBook is for anyone who wants a deep, detailed understanding of the many ways "tight muscles" can negatively affect the body.

The first ten pages provide a detailed description of the musclulo-fascial units, clarifying the nature of muscles cells and fascia, and how ideally, they complement each other and work together in close coordination and harmony.

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50-page, Info-Packed eBook on C.E.M.&.N.T. — A REAL Education On Muscles!

50 Pages
Many Detailed Illustrations
Stuff You've Probably Never Seen Before
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