Lessons In Liberty: A Philosophy, Psychology & Science of Human Freedom
NOTICE: Because the Current State of Affairs today is so Important AND Urgent, and we are VERY short on Time, I will be sending out items here more than weekly. We Americans need to start thinking more like the Founders of America did if we are going to recover from our current situation and Take America BACK. ... END
NOTE: RE: the word "God." The Founding Generations in great part used the idea of "GOD" to give much meaning and direction to their lives and construction of The State. ... You do not have to believe in "God" to understand and utilize the basic ideas. You can substitute 'Natural Law" or "The Laws of Nature & Human Nature" instead of "God" if you prefer. ... It should be noted, however, that in pre-Biblical times, "God" was defined as the Power & Law behind All Things. God was not a "he," a "she," or an "it." ... Overall, I personally think The Bible in many ways is a Libertarian Source Document.
Many Years Ago (1987), based on some VERY negative changes in statutes affecting Health Care Practitioners in Illinois, I decided I had to find out HOW, in the Land of the FREE and the Home of the BRAVE, I was now potentially prosecutable as a FELON for providing my VERY NON-invasive, NON-toxic health care modality to my Clients who willingly & voluntarily utilized my services. (Muscle Therapy, or a form of medical massage.) And I had been very clinically successful at helping people resolve health care issues they had received little or no help from orthodox or "alternative" health care modalities. (This "legal" development had upset me greatly!)
When I set out to discover or uncover all this, I thought it would take me a few months or so. I quit doing most therapy for a while and took a job running a construction project on weekends. This gave me 30 to 40 hours per week to study a LOT of things. Critical books were Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged and G. Edward Griffin's World Without Cancer. Their in-depth stories and analysis gave me a strong, wide-ranging foundation & context on which to move ahead on various topics.
Such As:
• The Nature of Freedom • The Philosophy of Western Civilization & American Revolution • Constitutional History and American Law • Biblical Foundations of America & Common Law • The History of The State & War (which all too often go together) • Mechanisms of The State & Politics • Revisionist History • Psychological & Counter-Guerilla Warfare (!!!) • Economics, Money, & Banking • Individualism versus Collectivism • The NATURE of Collectivism: Socialism, Communism, Fascism, Social Democracy • Karl Marx & 10 Planks of Communism • How Communism has THOROUGHLY Infiltrated America (Joe McCarthy was RIGHT!) • The Medical Monopoly & Perversion of Health Care / Medicine • The Nature of Climate Change • And On and On and On. ...
And Oh Yes, a LOT of so-called "Conspiracy Theories" (many of which turned out to be "Conspiracy REALITIES!")
That all started about 35 years ago for me. What I thought would take a few months turned into YEARS of almost never-ending study. (In 2007 / 08 I invested about 1,500 hours in studying Climate Change & Global Warming, and the more likely Global Cooling (or next mini-Ice Age). And it all still goes on. Once you discover what this "freedom thing" is all about, including our Rights & Liberties, you realize we are talking about an Evolution that's been going on for at least 4 or 5 THOUSAND YEARS. ... A LOT can happen in 4 or 5 thousand years!
You, Of Course, don't need to know ALL of that stuff. But you need to know enough to take Your Rightful Place as THE Source of ALL Economic, Political, & Social Power in America. And indeed you ARE! ... It says so in our various State & Federal Constitutions and the Declaration of Independence and a vast amount of history of our nation and form of government.
The Consent of the Governed and All Power is Inherent in The People, are common phrases in constitutional law and history.
America is supposed to be OF The People, BY The People, and FOR The People. If We The People want to KEEP it that way, we need to start ACTING that way and TAKE CHARGE of our Political Process and the Politicians & Bureaucrats running them.
The PURPOSE of these Lessons in Liberty is to distill down my 40 some years of study, knowledge & experience in learning about and dealing with these issues. My hope is to save you a LOT of time and give you the most Essential Elements of Being American in the Constitutional Sense of the word.
We need to be able to have intelligent & informed discussions with people, including our governing officials, as well as our friends, families, acquaintances, and anyone else who is willing to listen. And we need to NOT be misled toward ideas that are NOT in our best interest but sound good on the surface.
One important concept is that of Nullification. It is a Constitutional Method of rejecting & disempowering bad, undesirable or excessively intrusive federal statutes & laws. ... We'll be discussing Nullification in several of the Lessons in Liberty.
While I'll try to stay focused on Nuts & Bolts, sometimes we need to look at the underlying philosophical & psychological dynamics happening. Yet the underlying philosophy & psychology are much of what drives politics anyway. Understanding "what makes people tick" helps understand why they do what they do, even if you think it does not make sense. But then you can more effectively have a productive discussion with them.
When possible, you will receive a Video or PDF file on the information of the Week. Those Lessons will be released to you one per week [accelerated if possible] until you cancel, or I run out of material. (HAHA!)
IF I can get the Technology working correctly, there will ALSO be a Weekly (at least) Mastermind Meeting ONLINE. But that might take some time to put together.
And, I will have an eMail Coaching System set up so I can answer questions you send to me by email if you want more direct interaction with me.
If You Get The Weekly UPDATE Membership Program (see the list of products on this site), Lessons In Liberty will be INCLUDED. This will then be a BONUS available for a Limited Time. Of course, if you want to help keep me going, paying for both will allow me to do more.
Thank You for Reading,
David Scott Lynn (DSL)
Ongoing Weekly Lessons on the History, Background, & Strategies of Restoring America and MAGA!