The Original American Paradigm
As I was writing about the Foundational Morals & Principles of America, I needed an over-arching term for that. I discovered none of the "usual" names of that system were satisfactory.
Now, there has been a competing name, the American System, a system designed by Alexander Hamilton back in the days of the Constitutional Convention. Yet that system referred to an almost exact opposite of the Original American Paradigm or its Morals& Principles. It was a system of excess state interference in government and the lives of The People, a consolidation of power, today known as FASCISM, yet rejected by most Americans for many years ... until the un-Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln was an advocate of Hamilton's American System, and he basically introduced, by way of the un-Civil War, crony-corporate, anti-free-enterprise capitalism to America, eventually legalized by way of the 14th Amendment.
So I came up with the term, The Original American Paradigm to distinguish from the Fascist American System. ...
This report compares that Original American Paradigm with the (Fascist) "American System." ... Mostly because that "system" is what we have had now for well over a hundred years, and is the foundation for crony-corporatism and highly centralized operations & consolidation of power, which I argue is NOT a good thing AT ALL. It is only good for the Power Elite who care nothing of the Rights, Liberrties & Prosperity of The People.
Currently 9-pages, but will soon be expanded as time & resources allow.
Thank You for Reading,
David Scott Lynn (DSL)