Profile PictureDavid Scott Lynn (DSL) — DSL Edgework: Bodywork / Yoga / Whole Health Therapy

If You Are A Muscle Therapist of Any Kind ... HOW Do YOU Become a Leading Edge Expert & Trusted Authority in Neuro-Musculo-Fascial & Joint Therapy in Your Community ... ... Utilizing Mindful Medical Massage, Myo-Structural Balancing & Yoga Therapy? THAT is MY MISSION in Life, to Assist & Support YOU in Achieving that Level of Knowledge, Skill & Insight — that Status — for Yourself and Your Clients. ... And your Prospects, too. (People have a LOT of information. What they need MORE of is INSIGHT & WISDOM.) DSL Edgework has a Reputation for getting People OUT Of Difficult-to-Treat, Complex, Chronic Pain & Dysfunction who’ve had such Neuro-Musculo-Fascial & Joint troubles for Years or DECADES. And they had tried MANY, if not MOST, of the available healing modalities. Right now, I'm providing a 12-week, Intensive, PILOT Program on my Education & Mentoring / Coaching Course for Professional Muscle Therapists. In this Pilot Program, YOU will be participating in designing & developing the content to suit YOUR needs & interests. And the Price is unreasonably LOW for the first 12 people who enroll! You can find a Description & Access to that 12-week program near the bottom of this page. ___________________________________ If You Are a Health Care Consumer: While in recent times I write and teach primarily for Therapists, I go out of my way to make sure, as much as possible, everything I produce can be understood by YOU, a Member of the General Public. Complex terms and concepts are defined or explained as we go. Therefore, most of what I offer can help YOU become a more Highly Informed & Competent Health Care Consumer. That way, you can get far more out of ANY therapy you participate in. I am a strong Advocate of active *Participatory Medicine* rather than passive spectator medicine. I believe YOU should play a big, interactive part in your Therapeutic Process. In certain Special Cases, I will take Private Clients. You can find out more about that at this Link: ___________________________________ HELLO! Thank You Very Much for arriving at this web page! Here, you'll find access to my Publications, Courses & Offerings. IF you already know you want to participate in my programs or purchase products, please scroll down toward the bottom of this page to the Catalog. ... HOWEVER, if You first need More Information on my programs, you'll find a Detailed Bio/History of DSL Edgework, and the kinds of things you'll be exploring, on THIS page: ___________________________________ ** NOTE: If you are using Pop-Up Blockers or a higher security internet browser like Brave, you MIGHT have a little trouble using the payment system here. You might need to change your settings for pop-up blockers and such. If you have too much trouble, please give me a call at 480-209-4383. ** Thank You Very Much for Visiting! I Very Much Appreciate Your Time & Attention! David Scott Lynn For a number of Testimonials on my work, please go here: But here are just four Testimonials for you right now: "I learned more anatomy from David in 5 weeks than in 4 YEARS of medical school." ~ Todd Mangum, MD Web of Life Wellness Center Salt Lake City, Utah "David is doing cutting-edge work in the field of bodywork, and it would take 3 or 4 teachers to replace what he knows." ~ Tracy Hall, Physical Therapist Chico, California "Having had experience with many different bodyworkers, David’s technique is certainly unique. There are levels of healing he achieves I’ve never seen before. This is clearly a result of a vast knowledge of anatomy and physiology combined with decades of hands-on experience." ~ Dr. John Bordiuk Nutritionally Oriented M.D. & Yoga Teacher Inner Balance Med Wellesley, MA (Near Boston Area) "I have worked with many soft tissue therapists over the years. David Scott Lynn is the only one educated and skilled enough to do what I want with full confidence that the job will be done. My patients definitely feel the difference." ~ Gary Fujinami, Doctor of Chiropractic East-West Chiropractic & Acupuncture Center Prescott, Arizona >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> SPECIAL NOTE on My Flagship, 12-week, Education & Mentoring Course: PLEASE Bear in Mind, the *12-week BASIC TRAINING* on DSL Edgework is, at THIS time, a ONE-TIME PILOT Program and is a VERY low price compared to the High Value you'll Receive. As a Pilot Program, it will be designed around the Feedback I get from YOU in our 12 (twelve), Weekly, Private, 1-on-1 Mentoring Calls (via Video or Phone), designing the program around YOUR needs, interests, and input. And if you need it, I will help you Design your Practice & Work Style, and Marketing & Communications systems, to help get the word out about YOU, and to Create the Life & Practice You Want. ... Now-a-Days, the people who use Education & Relevant Stories are who get the ATTENTION we need to have a successful practice. You and I will work on that for YOU if you are so inclined. And I've started about 8 practices over my 40 plus YEARS of Experience, in very different conditions, so I know a little bit about THAT! BTW, In today's Coaching Marketplace, One-on-One Coaching is, on average, $214 per HOUR. Business Coaching averages $500 per hour and higher, depending on the industry. ... (This is just ONE reason I think YOU should consider getting into Health Coaching as an adjunct to your Muscle Therapy Practice. We will be addressing that possibility in the 12-week program.) Anyway, I believe the twelve, one-on-one Mentoring calls ALONE are worth the price of the program. Future Programs will either NOT include the Private Mentoring, or will be a much higher price. Or both. And THIS time around, I will only be taking 12 Participants for the Full Program with Private Mentoring. If others beyond the First Twelve are brought into the program, they will NOT get the 12, Weekly, Private Mentoring Calls. If things are going smoothly with the first 12, I might offer three private calls for the NEXT 12. But I need to stay focused on the FIRST 12 people to make sure I can provide them with the highest level of Education & Mentoring possible. If you have any Questions or Concerns, Please Give Me A Call at 480-209-4383 My Skype name is: dslyoga >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Thank You Very Much for Reading! Please Check Out the Programs Below! David Scott Lynn P.S. If You are looking for FAR more information on and more explanations of my System of Muscle Therapy, please go to: There are MANY pages of information there. And PLEASE Follow Me for eMail Updates on what I'm Creating for YOU. (SEE the link at the Top of this page.)

DSL Edgework: The School of Hard Knots

DSL Edgework eBooks & Writings

Liberty, Rights & Freedom